So the Fourth Age of Shanakan is finally complete – a run of ten books. It was certainly fun to write. Apart from the characters, which I always enjoy, I had a lot of fun with dimensions. There is an idea, related to string theory, that there could be as many as ten spatial dimensions. I’m not a physicist, so I just took this idea and ran with it, along with the idea that these “parallel worlds” advanced through time at different speeds, the “friction” between them causing the release of energy of a kind we do not know. Let’s call it magic.
There are a few, rare, worlds where all adjacent worlds advance through time at the same rate. In such a case, no energy is created, so there’s no magic.
But it’s not that simple.
No real spoilers in this, but the entire series is really a slow reveal. What the characters think at the beginning gradually changes as the more complex universe around them becomes known.
So the series is complete. You can read it from start to finish.
Now to scribble a couple of brief reviews.