Welcome to my blog. I’ll post news here as it relates to the progress of my writing, and maybe the odd something else that might be of interest. This is a total revamp of the website as of 2022. I hope you like it.
The Fourth Age of Shanakan
The series is finally coming to an end. I’m over 90,000 words into book ten and I expect to complete the first draft in August. It will be a while before all the usual processes are complete and it’s available to buy. Just another note. I have been greatly troubled…
The Language of Ice
The ninth book in The Fourth Age of Shanakan, The Language of Ice, has been released. Now available on Amazon as eBook or paperback. The final book in that series is coming on apace. I’ve passed the 45,000 word mark and am doing around five thousand a week. This one…
The Language of Ice
The first draft of the ninth book in the Fourth Age of Shanakan is complete. Now it just needs a cover and the attention of my valued proofreaders. The cover is well advanced, so we should be getting the proofs out in a few weeks. I have already started the…
Twisted Eye and More
The proofs of Twisted Eye, the eighth book in the Shanakan series are on their way. I hope to get everything sorted and the e-book released before Christmas. In the meanwhile, I have begun the ninth book (19000 words in) and it seems to be going along at about five…
Readers’ Favorite
On my eternal quest to promote my books – something I’m admittedly poor at – I have been seeking independent, trusted reviews. I was pointed to Readers Favorites, a site that reviews books by both established and independant authors. They are used by Penguin Random House, Simon & Shuster et…
The Twisted Eye
Just a quick update. The eighth book of The Fourth Age of Shanakan is finished, or at least the first draft is. Now we go into the editing and trying to find all those elusive typos, then the cover, then out to the readers. After all that is done it…
New Book Release – The Shadow War
Happy to announce that I’ve released The Shadow War, the seventh book in The Fourth Age of Shanakan. It covers the same period of time as The Path of Thirteen Steps, but while that book follows Cal Serhan’s time in London, the new book is about what happened in Shanakan…
The Shadow War
The final edits come back to me on Thursday. It will probably take a week to get through those and release the book as an eBook on Amazon, so I expect it to be available to read by the 12th of August. Meanwhile, I’ve passed fifty thousand words in the…
Thousand Cranes
Every now and then I read a book that reminds me of when I was at school. Thousand Cranes is one of those – not because the subject matter or the story is anything to do with school, but it’s the sort of book I used to read then. Thousand…
The Killing Moon
NK Jemisin is a very good writer. I loved the Broken Earth books, so I approached this one with high expectations. It’s a tale set in a civilization not unlike ancient Egypt and Nubia, as she explains in her author’s note. Most of the action takes place in the city…